



My favorite

I'm really partial to this last candid shot because of the focal point.

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Dear Boston Fox News

Dear Boston Fox News,

Once again, you have made me feel more embarrassed for living in the city of Boston.

Recently, the extremely talented duo known as Os Gêmeos (that is Portuguese for The Twins. Felt the need to tell you since you know, you don't bother to look into what you're broadcasting.) came to the city of Boston, with much delight to artists and painted an amazing mural down by the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. The piece is amazing. Bet you didn't know they had an exhibit in the ICA (by the way, here is a link posted on the 25th of April via the ICA telling you details of the twins arrivals and the mural to be made.

Not only did you FAIL to look into ANY info, but you allowed your dimwitted followers to comment on the piece without any notice of it being:
1. an art installation by artists whose work was being shown at the ICA
2. any info on the artists themselves 
3. a link to either their website, or that of the ICA
Oh, and here is their site. Just in case you may want to browse through and you know, educate yourselves a little.

The fact that day after day you show case and glorify violence, racism and tragedy, but manage not to see the beauty in art, nor even mention something as marvelous as exhibits in the local museums makes me sick.  You also go as far as to call the mural "controversial" .(
What is so controversial about a mural depicting an boy, in pajamas, with what CLEARLY is a button up shirt wrapped around his face? Are you that blind to art? Are you that focused on stereotypes?

I'm ashamed to call Boston my home. 

Oh, the only other semi-recent article I could find on your site about art was this.
Yes, promote laziness. 

With the lack of arts in school in modern times, wouldn't it be nice to spotlight things like exhibits and free museum nights (which have been going on every Wednesday at the MFA, with a small donation). Also, Shakespeare in the Commons which has been going on from July through August.

I'm disappointed with the people who are so closed minded to accept stereotypes and assume without knowledge.

But I'm mostly disappointed in you, Boston Fox News, for not looking into your city and seeing the beauty that is being displayed right in your face.

Isn't the news suppose to bring you facts?

Photo courtesy of Juxtapose

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